Adventure Club is a preschool and elementary school-age care program designed to meet the needs of working families by providing high quality care before and after school. All-day care is also offered on non-school days and in the summer at select sites.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a unique program that offers parents the opportunity to go to school and learn along with their child! Parents are their children's first and most important teachers. It has been proven that children whose parent
Our early childhood preschool program brings preschool age children together with the goal of offering engaging, nurturing, creative learning opportunities in a safe and enriched classroom.
Welcoming a baby, whether through birth, adoption, or surrogacy can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time! We're here to support you as you begin this journey.
Always dreamed of learning Spanish or refreshing your high school Spanish? Then this class is for you! The primary focus of the class will be on building conversational tools in Spanish through interactive practice and exercises. Vocabulary topics will include common greetings and introductions, pronunciation, numbers, food, clothing, likes and dislikes. Grammar topics will include subject pronouns, the verb estar conjugation, gender of nouns, and plurality. Participants will learn how to carry on small conversations in Spanish and each class will include interesting cultural anecdotes including Spanish word origin, dialect differences, and names in Spanish. Ability to access zoom and basic working computer knowledge essential.
Futura Language Professionals Staff
No Class Mar 31
Online registration is over
Futura Language Professionals Staff - Sandy O'Keefe , Futura Language Professionals Staff