Adventure Club is a preschool and elementary school-age care program designed to meet the needs of working families by providing high quality care before and after school. All-day care is also offered on non-school days and in the summer at select sites.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a unique program that offers parents the opportunity to go to school and learn along with their child! Parents are their children's first and most important teachers. It has been proven that children whose parent
Our early childhood preschool program brings preschool age children together with the goal of offering engaging, nurturing, creative learning opportunities in a safe and enriched classroom.
Welcoming a baby, whether through birth, adoption, or surrogacy can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time! We're here to support you as you begin this journey.
LUMOS! Prepare to step onstage, make magic, and cast an enchanting spell over your audience as you create a story that explores mysterious castles and forbidden forests! Each student will discover the power of creativity and performance as they ready their wand and embody their favorite wizard, witch, goblin, or ghost to create an original wizarding story that’s all their own! Through a partnership with The Zephyr Theatre, this theatrical adventure will strengthen each child’s social skills and emotional development. Invent a powerful potion, create spectacular spells, challenge dark wizards (or become one)!!! The choice is yours as you create a spectacular showcase to be presented during the last 30 minutes of the final class.
The Zephyr Theatre , The Zephyr Theatre - Reed Sigmund