Adventure Club is a preschool and elementary school-age care program designed to meet the needs of working families by providing high quality care before and after school. All-day care is also offered on non-school days and in the summer at select sites.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a unique program that offers parents the opportunity to go to school and learn along with their child! Parents are their children's first and most important teachers. It has been proven that children whose parent
Our early childhood preschool program brings preschool age children together with the goal of offering engaging, nurturing, creative learning opportunities in a safe and enriched classroom.
Welcoming a baby, whether through birth, adoption, or surrogacy can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time! We're here to support you as you begin this journey.
Caring for an infant who cries a lot or has periods of inconsolable crying can be stressful.
The stress can lead to questioning oneself, negative feelings toward the infant, and parental anxiety.
Of course, you want to be able to soothe your baby, but sometimes even your best efforts might not work. Join for an informational session on how to cope with caring for an infant that is a high crier to understand the why behind the crying and what caregivers can do when they start to feel frustrated or overwhelmed. This course is geared toward those who are pregnant or have recently welcomed a newborn. Infant crying is often heightened in newborns between 2-8 weeks of age. This one-time class will be held virtually, with packet information to be picked up at the Early Childhood Family Center a few days before the class. This class lasts roughly 45 minutes and is offered each month on the second Tuesday at 1pm. Virtual 900-31C-1 Tue 1-1:45 pm May 13 1 session $5/ Person 900-31C-2 Tue 1-1:45 pm June 10 1 session $5/ Person 900-31C-3 Tue 1-1:45 pm July 8 1 session $5/ Person 900-31C-4 Tue 1-1:45 pm August 12 1 session $5/ Person